Need a little canjo help

I thinking about making a canjo and was wonder if I could get a few questions answered.

1. What String Size and Tuning?

2. String height off the fret board, Is It higher at the bridge and goes down toward the nut? Or is it level

3. Approx. scale length?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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  • Only my 2 cents, but a common set up is probably a good place to go with a first build since most build guides use a lot of the same setups.  On a second build you will have some good ideas to do differently for a reason.

    I'd suggest use a low tension guitar g string (string #3) tuned to g on a 24 in scale (give or take an inch based on how the wood cutting goes, fretless forgives a lot). a lot of music is written in the key of G, which is maybe why Gdg is a common CGB tuning?

  • Howdy,

      Any string size you want to use is fine depending on the sound you want. For string height I put mine at around 6mm at the last fret on the bridge end above the fret and about 4mm above the first fret at the nut end but that is just me, you may want a little more action or maybe less. The scale length can be sized or adjusted to the neck length you use just measure between the nut and bridge and calculate it out with a fret calculator which I think can still be downloaded for free on the webb. This all depends on weather you are making a slider and if you are installing actual frets or just burning them in or using tie wraps?

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