Dead Flowers Diatonic Tab for Rolling Stones fans

Hey gang, I've been away for far too long. Anyway I need a few canjo or strumbox pickers to check my Tabbing out.  I know there are at least 2 Rolling Stones fans out there!!!! Did I do this right???
This sounds right to me but I'd like to be sure.

Dead Flowers Canjo tab.pdf

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  • Sounds ok to me.  It is the first tab I have seen for diddly bo.  I dragged one out and tried it.  

    I do like that song a lot.  Reminds me of an ex,,,"Queen of the Underground".

    • Thanks Gary!!  It took me far longer than I thought to figure it out and then I also wondered why there are so few tabs for single strings!! While ya can make a lot of fun noise with zero musical knowledge, I think mastering the full spectrum of the instrument is far more interesting. 

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