This here is how the 'GittyMan's CigarBoxGuitar Making Manual' is different:
Photos, not diagrams, of all necessary Wiring
Complete step-by-step Fretting, from start-to-finish
Immediate download….no waiting for delivery in the mail
Using this'll cost ya less than $30 to make a CigarBoxGuitar
Complete ‘Parts-list’ of where to get CigarBoxGuitar parts, item #’s, and prices
Free updates to the Manual, and free sources to other CigarBoxGuitar related ‘stuff’
Has over 80 pages of step-by-step instructions with over 150 photos detailin' each step
There is no source out there with as much detail that this Manual has, and no source is simpler to follow
100% money back guarantee….if you can’t make a CigarBoxGuitar on your first try, your money will be refunded
At only $14....this is a no brainer folks!