Collecting Cigar Bands & Tubes - Help ?



I've recently developed a growing appreciation for cigar band art.

I have also always enjoyed small containers and after I started collecting Cigar cologne tubes, I discovered there existed the real thing !

I've also started a craft hobby that could really use bands.


I have no clue where to find Actual BRAND Tubes & Bands. Bands for collecting obviously I only need one or two of each... but for a craft project, easily could use up to a dozen of each.


1. Are there trading/collecting sites for Tubes & Bands? (I'm not yet looking for antique ones)?

2. Are there places that actually throw them out / give them away / free promotions?

3. Places to inexpensively try to start buying some?

I appreciate any help, direction, offers (grin) you can provide. There is nothing around here.  I hope to start a website (though it would currently be empty...)

Thank you kindly,

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