Wiring coil pickup with tone & volume

Right, so I have a single coil pickup, 2 250k log pots, a .22 capacitor and a jack.  I think I need to wire them up along the lines of this.  Problem is that I don't really understand the diagram.

What do I do with all of those ground connections?  Do I just connect them all to the ground connector on the jack?

It looks like the cap is soldered to the back of the tone pot, is that right?

Do I run a wire from the pickup to both the volume and tone pots?

My prior wiring experience amounts to connecting a piezo direct to a jack, I'm floundering a bit here - help!

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  • Glad it seem to work out nicely for you and picture look great too,
    so keep it up man and you will be amaze at your self soon :D
  • I wired it all up tonight and seemed to work first time! The guitar doesn't have strings on yet, see other thread, so to test it I held up my diddley bow to the pickup and a sound came out of the amp! The volume made the volume go up and down and the tone altered the tone. Obviously more testing needed but first signs are encouraging, to be honest I'm amazed it worked given my awful soldering skills!

    Thanks again everyone for the advice, it helped no end.
  • Few pics showing how the build is going are up here: http://www.cigarboxnation.com/photo/albums/3stringers-2
  • yes you have got it right. the ground lug on the pot usally bend up and ground to the back of the pot with a wire running to the next ground.
  • I will! Which reminds me, I need to take a few pics of the on-going build, will do that tomorrow too! Neck is oak with a new yellow habana box, ebony nut and a bolt thread bridge.
  • Wish i saw this before the seymourduncan link :D very helpfull,
    and ride on for the 3 stringer coming up, show us picture when it is done and have a great time playing it :D
  • Cheers Patrick, that really helped too - it's helpful to see it how it really looks rather than a schematic, although I think I'm some way to understanding schematics now.

    I'll sort it all out tomorrow night I think, 3-string CBG almost finished!
  • Hi J-Hob, i had all the same question not so long ago :D and a good person helped me out so i sure can help you out with this, here is what i've found to help me out with all the wire,

    so look at it closely and you should be able to figure it out also ground you bridge if it as metal so this would groung the string and the tuners aswell, just run a wire under the bridge and to the pots ground, also i had a double pots so 6 prong and it is pretty much the same as pictured, if you need more info let me know i will try to help you out the best i can also a picture of your CBG showing the inside with the pots and bridge wire could help people telling you what to solder where !!! hope this help, Bless, Patrick
  • Cheers for that, Naz Nomad pointed me to the same diagram via chat, looks like just what I'm after. He also helped me with my various inane questions so I think I'm clear as to what needs doing now!

    I hadn't realised before that I would need to connect up the bridge to ground.
  • Seymour Duncan has great wiring diagrams for just about every configuration and they're very clear. Here's what I think you're looking for:


    Hope that helps!
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