Posted by Dustin Smith on October 8, 2010 at 3:56am
Okay so this is what I've come up with. The diagram may be hard to comprehend--Beats me I think I understand it. Basically its for a broomstick neck that I've been thinking about. This drawing uses an eye bolt for a saddle with a stopper placed on the outside of the eye bolt. I'd like to just use a small eye bolt but I can't find one that has a small enough inside diameter for the ball end of a guitar string that is rigid enough to hold the tensile strength. The nut is composed of a U bolt that would fit secure around the broomstick held in place by "hardware" nuts and seated with a screw to keep it all in place, possibly two. I'm probably gonna try it out and keep you all updated on how it works. But ultimately, I want to know if you think I'm wasting my time with this or not. Would it be easier to scrap the saddle idea and simply drill a hole through the stick for a string? Also, I'd like to know if two strings will hold in place on a 1 1/4" cylindrical neck e.g. Super Chikan's broomstick guitar. Thoughts? Suggestions?
Okay so yeah, I guess saddle is the wrong word. Retainer sounds more correct. All this is doing is holding the ball end of the string in place. I'm thinking about using a piece of brass for this, but I dunno if it will help out as far as resonance. I'm also thinking about bending the stem of the eye bolt to give a more accurate angle so the retainer doesn't try floating at the very top of the eye.