
I'm a newbie,  just got my kit from Gitty & getting ready to build. Can't play a lick of music & I'm tone deaf, plus my wife says I can't carry a note, but I figure I've been making a fool of myself for 67 yrs so what the Hell.

I've made a Diddley Bo & a Canjo - granddaughter taught me how to play Smoke On The Water, so I think I'm ready to move up to a cigar box & fame & fortune!

I'm excited about join the "Revolution" any tips will be welcomed.

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  • Hey, definitely need to get in touch w/John......w/two great minds working together........shoot.....who knows what can happen?????

  • I too, suffered thru a severe arrival into this birth the doctor relayed the sad news to my mother that I had been born without a rhythm gene. Though they tried several inplants and new drug experiments alas it was not to be.

    In my aimless wandering thru life, one day  I stumbled into the cigarbox guitar nation website.

    Here I was greeted not like a stranger but as a brother, a comrade among others whom were also missing various genes.

    After much council, many conversation, and some deep soul searching  with my new best friends, I discovered a answer, a way to compensate for my "birth defect" if you will.

    If I could not tap my toe, if I could not sing, if I was paralized with fear at learning the many frets and strings to be plucked, poked, and memorized  in playing a simple song like amazing grace...perhaps there was another way.

    With bated breath and muffled oar I pondered........dare I attempt to breech such a monumental task.

    Then one day ...EUREKA!!!!!!!

    If I could not tap my toe, nor sing, much less  memorize someone elses'  beat of the drum, then I shall beat my own drum !! (not that you stupidio, we are talking music here).


    If I write my own songs how can I be wrong???? I could hit 1,000 sour notes and sing jiberress.....and say." that is the way I wrote it" and it is what I was intended to play/sing....nothing to memorize because no matter what I did, as I said  "that is  the way I wrote it".

    I must tell you at first it was scary ears hurt....neighbors threaten to call the cops, wife filing for divorce, and some other unsavory stuff, but at last I am freed of the manacles of perceived lack of rhythm.

    I'm thinking of going on the "busking" road .....who is with me????


    • Very poetic's that working out for ya????  Your sense of well-being better now???  Some amazing grace might be the right thing for ya???  Great job.....couldn't have said it any better........kudos.......

    • I have found my comfort zone...:)

    • "Down by the river, sitting under a big Oak tree, with my CBG and a glass of iced tea."

  • Come on, man....don't 'out' me like that............

  • so, you cant play and are tone deaf and according to your wife you cant hold a note?

    perfect ingredients for playing a CBG :)

    welcome to the madness

  • Hi, Y'all.....I feel much better now........I'm still a kid at only 68 last week.....this is fun........

    • Glad your feeling better.

    • Actually, I am feeling better cause all you guys are up there w/me.........he he

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