My first build - it came out pretty darn good

Here are a couple photos of my first CBG. I have a few others coming down the pike, but this is #1. I plan on making more and getting better at it. So far, they've been turning out quite well. 

I'm calling the guitar line "Augusta Guitars". I have some CB Uke's on the way, too. 

Let me know what you think.


Here's the link to it on ebay:

Augusta CBG #1 - Jan-2011 0061.jpg

Augusta CBG #1 - Jan-2011 002.jpg

Augusta CBG #1 - Jan-2011 008.jpg

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  • Thanks, guys, here's Augusta Guitars' CBG #2, by yours truly. Let me know what you think:


  • Great work..nice pic's
  • Nice, clean simple build.  Sometimes I think they can be tricked out too much if they're built on spec--kinda like the 200,000 spec houses in a 50,000 neighborhood.  Starting price good and it should sell.  Only suggestion would be to go with pics that can enlarge for more detail.
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