Hi all,
On my current build, I decided to construct my own box with some quality wood. But I was curious to know if anyone had suggestions on joinery for the best sound and strength. I went with dovetails just for the fun of it, although I know cigar boxes traditionally use box/finger joints. Any suggestions or ideas would be welcome.
Excellent job indeed. A very professional job to be fair.....
Hi guys. Finally got ‘er done! I’ll have some better pics of the thing soon, but aside from a slightly misaligned pick-up and some funkiness on the headstock, it turned out nicely and the sound is beautiful. Aside from the fretboard from CB Gitty and some drill holes, everything is 100% hand-cut, including my first scarf joint for the neck/headstock junction, which was an adventure let me tell you. Thanks for the input on the body joints. I might pop some holes in it at a later date to see how it sounds as more of an acoustic, but for now I’m going to enjoy noodling on this thing.

Like it mate. Good work
A really lovely instrument, Chris. I look forward to seeing your next!
Very well done Chris! One down, 2.2412953 million more to go!
Hahahahahah! Absolutely right.
How does it sound mate. Lets have a video
Sure thing! Throwing a video of it up in my videos now.
Holy cow Chris, that build is awesome but all three videos are even better. Well done!!
Pretty sweet!