
  • Habanera was right...It was a pissing bad job....I should have practice on a blank piece 1st....I have glue on the fret and the inlay was to deep too.....Soooooooo! Today I redid the inlay....I drill out the inlay (guitar pick)...I replace it with wooden button which I cut out with a plug bit...I use 1 drop of super glue....After it dry...I sand it down level....It turn out good....Sooooo...the lesson today boys and girls is......Learning not what to do....But what not to do



    • Terrific!  And don't fret about messing up now and then.  You'd cringe if I told you how many complete necks I've trashed.  We've all done the same things!

    • LOL....Yes! We all have done it....I know 1 man who told me...He never mess up...He just come up with new Design Modification LMAO

    • Yep!  It's not a mistake - - it's a feature!

    • LMAO

  • Thank...I have a plan to redo the fret....

  • From your photo it looks like you just need to be more careful with your glue.  You should be able to just sand the fingerboard down to get rid of the excess and level everything off.  If that doesn't do it, you may want to try staining the entire board to even out the color.  The two on the right appear to be a bit too deep - try drilling a small hole into the back of the board under the dots and pushing them up flat to the board.

    When I inlay fret dots, I drill the hole a bit shallower than the thickness of the dot. ONE drop of CA (Crazy Glue) in the hole, then tap in the dot.  When all the dots are in, sand 'em flush.

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