
  • Thanks , i'll see what length strings and timber i've got lying around and have a play and see what works.

  • What are you making? Bass?  Strings? - number of usually determines length of heastock.  Acoustic? Electric? Both?

    the critical measurement is scale length.....distance from nut to sadde based on desired tuning.  Many scale length calculators online, including Stewmac. I'd be tempted to make an acoustic/electric bass.

  • IMHO:

    - the guitar body takes between 3/8 (long neck) and 5/8 (short neck) of the total length. 

    In any case - it's good to have at least 12 frets "free" (off of the soundboard).

    Guitarron's body is like 2/3 of the whole length (and only 7 free "frets")

    In any case - with your bridge located at more or less 1/3 of the length you'll have 18*2/3 = 12 -> 12 * 2 =  at least 24" scale.

    30" or 32" will be on the "longish" side, but it's a bass. With 24 frets it could be even 36" ;-) 

    But then you'll have to buy long scale strings AND play a 42" long rod... (sexy, isn't it?)

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