headphone amp for electric ukulele

To go with my electric ukulele project I would also like to make a matching headphone amp that would plug into the output jack a bit like the vox headphone amps .  The pickup is a strip type under-saddle piezo and I would like the headphone amp to have tone and volume controls and to be powered by a 9v battery.

It sounds like building it around the maplin LM386 amp would be a good way to start.  What I am not sure about is how I would wire in the battery, volume and tone pots and what pots would be suitable (1000k?).

Can anyone help me here?  I'm a total novice with wiring and wiring diagrams so please play nicely with me!

Thanks in advance for any replies

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  • Looks like all of those amps are only available in the US. I've actually just bought a little amp from ebay that I will take apart to use just the bits I need. It was only £8.

    I also know that my work have a whole drawer full of old and unused computer speakers so I'm going to raid for a couple of speakers that I can take the innards from and make a few more for comparison.

    Those links were really helpful and gave me the ideas for breaking apart other items for the parts I need.
  • The maplin kit utilises an attenuated input, controlled by R2 (the 10k circuit-board-mounted pot) ... there's no tone control provided with this kit.

    To make R2 a ''user-friendly'' volume, you'd need to omit it from the build and run 3 wires from the circuit-board to a 10k pot mounted on your box.

    The battery / input / output points are clearly marked on the circuit-board.


    That said, I have a downer on Maplin, since they were totally awesome in the 80's, but only great now if you're into RC Cars, lol.

    You have an endless array of 386 based amps to choose from, Ruby / Little Gem / Smokey / Minty / Noisy Cricket /etc etc etc.

    Check out these threads for some more info & links.



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