Best mini amp kit with dual input

Hi All,

          I am looking to build a mini amp that has a dual input so I can build and hook up a stomp box too. I am fairly handy and could modify an existing kit on the net if I had instructions? Their is one on Ebay but like most people here I would like to build my own.

Thanks in Advance

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  • I have the one from ebay, atleast, if its the one in a cigar box and looks like its "beaten to sh#t". and it uses two njm386d audio modules from JRC, you can also can get them from the bay. the modules are hooked together and connected to one 8 ohm 5 watt speaker.

  • Hi Jeff,

    I am no expert but enjoy playing around with guitars and small circuits.  I recently made a stomp box for a friend based on a speaker and piezos as pick ups wired via a blend pot and volume pot and wired it so it could be piggy backed onto one output with a guitar.


    This sounded good through a 20W or higher amp but really poor through a 10W amp or lower as it just cannot deliver a good bass thunp sound at this wattage (only my own opinion and to my tune deaf ears, others may disagree).

    Also the volume controls work on both as sharing one output means the volume for guitar or stompbox works on both circuits (as it is just grounding more of the signal from both joined circuits).  The piezos also flavour the guitar tone a bit.


    The same circuit I used would be similar to using a Y connector with inputs for the guitar and stomp box joining to go to the amp.  You can get Y connectors cheap off ebay (search for "1/4 dual mono" for a good number of hits to see if you can get it as cheap locally if you don't want to wait for delivery from China).  Or if you have enough guitar leads you could use some test leads to wire them up as a y connection to see if you like the sound you get.

    I did have a look around the internet for an easy mixer and was planning to try these if the simple circuit above didn't work (as it was my friend was delighted with it so I haven't tried them yet and so cannot say how well they work)

    Easy passive circuit

    Easy active circuit


    Good luck,


  • Wes,

             That confused me..maybe I'm mixing up the terms in and out. My goal is too plug in my guitar and stomp box into the same amp.

    wes carl said:

    you can get the amp board that CB Gitty sells & hook up an out on the board  It has an in jack but you can use it for out as well
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