Wood supplies

Hi Guys


What do we think of these prices , company about 10/12 miles from where I live.

The price for oak in two by three quarters is £5.04 inc vat.  For sapele it's £4.20 Inc vat. The price for one and three quarter by seven eighthes in oak is £4.28 Inc vat and in sapele is £3.61.





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  • Thanks for that - I believe the mill has other hardwood as well , will pop over next week and have a look at whats available.Its good to know I dont have to go very far.
  • The oak is a little over twice what I'm paying here, but not outrageous. I wouldn't turn it down if I was shopping. I also wouldn't buy as much as I usually do. I can't speak for sapele, because that's not readily available where I am.
  • 39" long
  • How long are the pieces?
  • heck of a selection .1/2 time i dont care how much at least you can get it. good deal ,Slim
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