Wood on an Indian Tabac Cigar Co Super Fuerte Box

I am working on my first CB uke. I accidentally damaged the paper on the lower part of box, so I removed it and found some nice looking wood...I am sanding it and plan to finish it with tung oil or tru oil...Does anyone know what wood is this box made out of?...it is an Indian Tabac Cigar Co SUper Fuerte Box... Thanks, Franklin

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  • It is solid wood...And I believe he is right, it is spanish cedar!
  • I don't know but be careful with it. Some of these have a wood grain look but a hard cardboard underneath. I tried to clean som glue off my CAO box on the inside of the lid. Tried several things including acetone. acetone removed the glue and the "wood" under it. It wasn't wood is was somekind of painted grain.

    Anyway, this is not answering your question. Can you post a picture of it?

    Joe is probably correct though.
  • I believe so...You are probably right!
  • My guess would be Spanish cedar, is the wood lightly aromatic?
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