CBG World, I've made several CBG's but always with the most basic of amp circuits (piezo wired to jack). My current license plate build is more complicated than I would have like it to be but I'm making it for a friend so he gets it the way he wants it. I looked through the archive here but I'm still a little intimidated about soldering everything in. Can I get a little help on the components in the attached pic? I think the pic is self-explanatory but in case it's not, this circuit has an amp jack, a tone pot (with capacitor) , a volume pot, and a magnetic pickup. I thought if I made it as easy as possible you guys wouldn't slam me for my lack of electrical knowledge :). Just a simple T-3 to J-1, J-2 to V-1, etc will get me to where I need to be. Thanks in advance for your help!

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  • Thanks Wayfinder. I think I can take it from here.
  • Oh wait! I see it now. We're just carrying the ground through the different pieces and then back to the jack.
  • So one leg of the capacitor gets soldered to the back of the tone pot?
  • I added the pic mentioned above to the photo folder under "Wiring in a 4 string license plate build"
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