For my next project I want to make a 19" scale length steel string tenor guitar. I probably will amplify but would like to see how much sound quality is possible using a box unplugged. I would think a cigar box would be a smidge too small and was wondering about a wine box. Anyone have a suggestion? I suppose I could set my own specifications and build a box from scratch but wanted to put this idea out there to see what shakes out. BTW, what is the best way to secure a wine box??? Wine store?
Grandpa G
Visit your local wine shop. Saunter over, and buy a coupla bottles of that medium-priced Aussie Shiraz or Pinot Grigio the local food editor recommended. Chat up the alternatively, sweet young thang, or bespectacled buzz cut veteran, at the counter, and style them why you want an all wood wine box. Offer to show them the subsequent git when you finish it (and the coupla bottles of wine you'll need to replenish) in a week or two.
In other words, show them you're serious, and not to be trifled with.
They will be amazed at your audacity, and offer to give it to you for approximately free.
Get two wine boxes, for good measure. Why? Because you're gonna build one unbraced. Do that one first, because you'll likely find the sound so pleasing that you'll forgo bracing, and build a 2-speaker, two channel amp to be housed in the other box.
Don't forget, 19" is also Uke territory...
15" is soprano guitar, 18" scale is an Alto Guitar, 24-25 is a tenor guitar also called 'standard', 27-29" scale is baritone guitar, 30+" is a contrabass guitar,