Just curious how many of the builders on here are gigging musicians, and of those, who is gigging full time with their CBGs.  I do a fair amount of gigging, but playing in a variety band limits the amount of songs that I play on my CBG.  

I have to say that I own some pretty high end guitars, and I have never received as many comments and questions about all of them combined as I get when I pull out a cigar box, even if I only play one song and then put it back on the stand.  It's amazing how much interest these things generate.

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  • absolutly, crow and I gig solely with our cbg's. he's on a 3 string slide, tuned AEa, i'm on a one string bass (we call it the diddlybass) that is just an A, and we have the "Dixie floorboard" aka "the electric porch" or stomp board, a box, bolted to a piece of shelf with a couple of feet on it and electrified to give a nice solid thud when i step on it. and thats it. people are amazed at these things especially when we play them because we mostly do covers of popular songs, mostly 80's and 90's, and people cant believe we can get a song out on these let alone something everyone recognizes ya know. welp, late for class, ttyl
  • Currently in use for my bar gigs:
    1. My beat-to-hell Macanudo 3 string that I've been playing for 16+ years
    2. Smokehouse 3-string fretted cbg
    3. Daddy Mojo Dolorosa
    4. Tomi-O 3-string electric w/P-90 pickup
    5. RedDog 3-string
    6. Back Porch Mojo double neck (see his advert for pic--->)

    I also sometimes use:
    - a Kirk Withrow 4-string electric
    - a Reddog 4-string electric
    - a Pat Cook 3-string electric with reso cone
    - my custom Smokehouse 6 string (double coursed) electric

    No "normal" guitars used in my solo act...100% cigar box guitars. I sometimes play a metal body dobro with Keith Kailian, a delta blues guitarist who performs with me under the name "The Terraplane Brothers."
  • I play on the subway platforms of NYC and on the streets while vacationing in Cape Cod during the Summer. I mainly play my 6 string CBG. Like you stated, it is eye candy. Being a resonator too and played bottleneck style definitely attracts more attention than a standard acoustic played conventually. As a performer, it is not only the audio, but the visual too. Being friendly and approachable is key for me. I enjoy meeting the audience and talking to them as much as I enjoy playing for them. Thanks for asking. Enjoy.
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