Hey everyone, I'm used to eyebolt tuners all on one side of the cbg. I jumped the gun on this model with tuners and didn't plan how I was gonna actually string up. I put tuners on this time( 2 on top one on bottom)I did my regular string tree screws and that's seems awful and useless as I really didn't plan how different string trees would be with tuners and an opposite tuner etc. Here's a photo. Can you tell me what string goes on the bottom side tuner? (Guessing smallest string)...which way to wrap and should I use string trees at all?


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  • Here's another one that's just 3 holes top side...I sometimes see these angled down or curved or like the first one I did...so I'm hoping to make this 2nd one work like the first..


  • I would wind the small string on the other side of the tuner. I also try to space the screws so that the string is supported during the downstroke of the strum. That makes the low ( big ) and middle strings retainer screws closer together but it helps keep the strings in place during aggressive strumming. Maybe I think too much.  

    • Got to put the strings on loosely and play with the area where to put the string trees....but the middle string tree is almost a must no matter what....these replies really help..and yes putting the string tree on with down stroke in mind very good idea...
  • I would do it a little different. All this assume we are looking at the usual 1.5x3/4 board from your favorite hardware store. It also assumes a 7/16 (or there abouts) string spacing.

    The string weights are good where they are. But take the lightest string and string it the otherway. So that it comes off the peg on the side closest to the edge. This will get your string closer to where is needs to be on the nut.

    I would leave the middle string where it is at. It has a longer run to the nut and thus the angle when the string gets there will not be as acute. It will stay in place better. You may need to put a ?tree? in for this one if it wont stay in place.

    I would also flip the bottom string over for the same reason as the top string.

    I would also use a different nut. The bolt head and nut may interfer with the string spacing. I bought a lenght of all thread and just cut off what I need.


  • Yep, you got em wrapped right, I wouldn't bother with a string tree except for the middle one, unless you're trying for brutally even string spacing.
    • It's just the middle one that needed a screw...now gonna disguise the other 2 holes
    • Inlay something :)
  • That's good mate, that's the way I'd do em too
    • Thanks ...what about them holes....with the screws in it strings don't seem to line up right ...I'll mess with it more..
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