I cut the tops for my bass gamba and my classical not needing a footstool. My other jigsaw had a laser to help cut straight lines though. What's you're go to tool for hitting your lines again to straighten things up? Flat file, round file? I don't have a belt or other kind of sander so if you say sand it, it's all elbow grease. Was hoping for a cheap/easy way. Not trying to be a pro luthier.
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Hi, if you are looking to save on elbow grease Greg a chisel may not be the best option, ya still gotta use sandpaper afterwards. B it if you go that chisel route, watch grain direction.
Hi Greg, I'm not sure what you are t tying to do. The top and back are normally cut oversize and overhang the sides when glued to them. I use a router to then trim top and back flush with the sides. In the absence of a router a drum sander would the job. Even better if it has a guide on the bottom like this one. Prevents sanding into the sides.
Greg Turner > Taffy EvansAugust 29, 2020 at 4:49pm
Yes, they overlap the edges. Ok. Router and a guide. No router yet. Perhaps eventually.
Hi, my first thought is to put a drum sander in your electric drill, don't tell me you ain't got no drill. Do it free hand or clamp the drill into your vice. If you haven't got a vice see BrianQ's suggestion and make that Xmas list longer. Taff
Greg Turner > Taffy EvansAugust 29, 2020 at 2:47am
Hi, if you are looking to save on elbow grease Greg a chisel may not be the best option, ya still gotta use sandpaper afterwards. B it if you go that chisel route, watch grain direction.
All you need is a good sharp chisel. The technique is shown at about 2:14 into this video
Hi Greg, I'm not sure what you are t tying to do. The top and back are normally cut oversize and overhang the sides when glued to them. I use a router to then trim top and back flush with the sides. In the absence of a router a drum sander would the job. Even better if it has a guide on the bottom like this one. Prevents sanding into the sides.

TaffYes, they overlap the edges. Ok. Router and a guide. No router yet. Perhaps eventually.
Hi, my first thought is to put a drum sander in your electric drill, don't tell me you ain't got no drill. Do it free hand or clamp the drill into your vice. If you haven't got a vice see BrianQ's suggestion and make that Xmas list longer.
I guess you know what to ask for Xmas then?