Hi Everyone,

First time here, I want to build a cigar box guitar but I don't even know which box to begin with.... Where I live it a little hard to get cigar boxes unless at a garage sale or thrift store but those come pretty banged up. I found a few on etsy, I really liked this website: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BnBTobacco?ref=profile_shopicon but it looks fairly new and I'm not sure which boxes I need to start with. In your opinion, which ones were the best to start, what are your favorites boxes, and I guess any other wisdom you'll like to leave for me.

Thanks for the help.

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  • Sounds like you're set!  Pick out a good box and have some fun!

    It's a good thing you will have several.  You will be hooked!

    It seems like I can't turn around without coming up with some new idea I want to try.

  • Wow, I like the flattop boxes because they are the easiest (in my opinion) to work with.  They aren't the best quality, but they offer few obstacles during the build process.  Definitely stay away from anything that has contours along the edge of the top.  Those require a lot of work.

    It doesn't sound as though you live in a big town; however, I get my boxes from the local cigar shop. 

  • Liquor stores sometimes sell cigars as well and may have boxes available. As with cigar stores, frequently someone else will have already laid claim to them, either other CBG-ers or other crafters. One of my local stores sells their empty boxes on eBay.

    You can buy new, unfinished, wooden boxes at craft stores like Hobby Lobby and Micheals. Seasonal boxes can give you some interesting build options. I've made several from Halloween coffin shaped boxes.

    I've bought several boxes at estate sales and auctions. They tend to get snapped up quickly since experienced antique pickers know that tobacciana items can be flipped easily for a good profit. For example, I bought a lot of 10 boxes for $7 total and put them in my antique mall booth for $10 each and they sold out within a few weeks.

  • The all Wood give the Best sound Padron is one of the Best their made out of Mahogany which is a tone Wood My Western Padron I Do Many of My Videos with, Is Built from a Padron 3000 Box. It has a pizzio pick up if you are going to use a magnetic pickup any Box you like as long as it's deep enough 2 1/2 inch at least to allow for recess for pickup to set in and add a Brace under neck in box and extending 3 inches out side box for heel this will keep it from Bowing the neck .

    • Forgot to mention You can Find just about any Box you Want on Ebay they run any where from 5 to 20 dollars most of the time good supply of Padron Boxes on there you can Pick one with a nice grain pattern good looking Build.

    • Thanks for the tip, 

      my friend is bringing me some cigar boxes he got where he lives this weekend so hopefully there will be some padrons in the pile. 

  • I like wood boxes. Guitars are made of wood as opposed to cardboard, except a few old Harmonies. Nothing wrong with cardboard just not something I care to use. I like to build a guitar that sounds as good as possible unplugged, acoustic. So wood is good, and the bigger the box the better. Louder and more room to work in. I do use pickups on some, and if you only played electric, the box itself doesn't matter as much. Check for warpage. Taking a box from a cigar shop humidor into the light of day can be disappointing. Keep the lid latched for a few days. For your first, make the neck all the way thru the guitar/box. If not you may want to brace or reinforce the inside of the box. Rounded edges on the lid makes it more comfortable on your forearm than a sharp edge. Fretting is a trip. I've fretted about 12 instruments, and I'm still not as good at it as I'd like to be. Patience pays off plus the right blade and hammer. Careful though, you might get hooked. Be as original as possible. Don't stop at "stick and box". Style counts. Good luck.
  • Hello Everyone,

    Thanks for the advice and tips, I'm gonna hold off on buying the cigars boxes and take a look at the plans and how to build the guitar. That way I can buy the right box instead of buying hundreds. If you have any other advice, wisdom, or if you want to tell me your experiences with cigar box, I'll be happy to read it. 



    •  Hi Elizabeth,

       I had wanted to do this for years but never really got around to it. Don't make the same mistake :)

       I found a shop a few days ago (after reading a post on a bass guitar forum that spurred my interest again). I went in hoping to find one good box and walked out with 7 for about $16.

       Yesterday I finally made one and it was great fun and only took a few hours with very simple tools. Granted it's rough around the edges but it was a blast. I pulled it apart today to clean it up and improve it some. But for my first I don't want to spend too much time.

       My advice is JUST DO IT! Don't put it off for years like I did.

      I followed Unstrung13's videos on you tube. He makes his in an hour. Just watch all the videos to start. Then follow them one at a time and in a few hours you'll be done.

    • Awesome, I will definitely try it soon, my friend is sending me some boxes to me this weekend, hopefully I'll be able to start soon. 

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