
  • I like the light gauge electric strings from Wal-Mart. I string 2 CBG's from this. Three top strings are one set, 3 bottom another.
  • I have set up a cbg today with 234 of a medium set tuned CGC, it sound good to me.
    I find the GDG has too mutch bass for me.
    My 4 string has 1234 tuned in DF#Ad or DGBd.

  • Jat at 56 44 32 u might wat to try DAd
  • Just thinking about it, E, A E' is going to be a bit 'muggy' isn't it...
  • That's a pretty hefty piece of wood for a 3 string. You shouldn't have any trouble. Of course it depends on scale - I shorter scale will require less tension at any given tuning.

    Jataomm said:
    Hi. If I may add to the question...

    I'm about ot make my first CBG. I have a length of poplar for the neck, 1 1/8" by 2" (actual measurements).
    I was planning on 3 strings EAE. I have in my possession a 56, a 44 and a 32.
    The question is, when I tune these up, is the neck going to be able to sustain this tension, or is that an argument for using lighter strings and tuning to G or A, rather than E?
  • Hi. If I may add to the question...

    I'm about ot make my first CBG. I have a length of poplar for the neck, 1 1/8" by 2" (actual measurements).
    I was planning on 3 strings EAE. I have in my possession a 56, a 44 and a 32.
    The question is, when I tune these up, is the neck going to be able to sustain this tension, or is that an argument for using lighter strings and tuning to G or A, rather than E?
  • Yes, open G, or the CBG variation of open G.
  • thanks jkevn is that open G
  • To save you lookin all over the forum, I use the 3,4,5 strings from a set of 12ga. acoustic set of strings. The $4.00 ones from wal-mart are hard to beat. I tune mine G-D-g. there are several open tunings around this site, do a little searching, but this will get you started.

    Scroll down the forum to 3-string tunings....
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