I've seen the term used here on the site from time to time and soon realized that it usually referred to something other than a structure to hold you CBGs on the wall. So.......

Which of your guitars are "wall hangers"?

1. Are they purpose built to decorate your walls?


2. Are they good playing guitars, but no longer in your daily play lineup?


3. Are they guitars that just didn't turn out like you wanted or expected?


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  • I have many instruments, including 8 CBGs. None are hanging on the wall. If I did hang them it would be to proudly display them.  Sure I have a couple that are imperfect, but I wouldn't hang them in shame, I would only hang instruments to proudly display what I have.

    For now they're on guitar stands. The CBGs are on a multi stand I bought just for them. I need another one....

  • heres mine. just put this up yesterday after decorating my office!(back bedroom)


    • Sweet! Love that Olive  body

    • yeah a bit like mine...the bit that sticks out look like belly.lol

  • A wall hanger to me is one that didn't turn out so well.  Maybe the neck is out, persistent buzz, box racked or whatever.  These I can't give away so they either end up on my wall or back in the shop and cannibalized for parts over time. As I don't keep them and give them away I have only one thats hanging on my wall.

    • I figured some wall hangers were not good players, but your recycle idea takes a lot of the pain out of it.

    • 306474207?profile=RESIZE_320x320Can't rotate it but this is my one and lonely wall hanger... 

  •       I hang them all, I am a late bloomer. I didn't start learning to play until I turned 64. I started violin in the 4th grade and it didn't work at the time, so stringed instruments were not my thing.Picked up a trumpet in the 5th grade and wind instruments were my forte. I even took a try out for the Air Force band.Had to sign-up for 4 years and that kept from getting too excited about it. Fooled around too long and got "Drafted" Keep in mind there is more than the one "Air Force Band", which would be the cream of the crop

          This CBG addiction got me on many levels. I played in band all through school,so it interested me on that level and I love to tinker so it got me there.Woodworking was always a hobby as well as a job at times, so I had the tools to get started.I also enjoy reading the Q&A's on this site and sharing other folks ideas and experiences.The short answer is,"I am going to have to get a bigger wall".

  • The wall hangers that I build play as good as any I build for players, but are ordered by someone who is a cigar smoker and does not play, to be hung on the wall.  They almost always are a special box that the buyer wants.

  • All my guitars are wall hangers:


    And they all get used.

    And they were all built by someone else.

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