Swedish inventor and musician, Martin Molin has created the mind-bending Wintergatan Marble Machine, a complex Rube Goldberg machine that synchronizes 2000 falling marbles to play various instruments.  The instrument contains a full xylophone, various drums and even a Hofner Beatle Bass.  A complex series of pegs on a wheel releases the marbles according to Molin's tedius programming.  (The concept is very similar to a simple musicbox...except a lot cooler!)

Notice how Molin keeps the machine running while still playing the bass with his left hand!

Molin has documented the building process in a series of videos on his website.

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  • Way cool.  Except those aren't marbles, they're ball bearings.  Except the black one(s) (which may be a painted ball bearing).

  • OMG This is the coolest thing!
    What a talented man, absolutely amazing!
    I have to share this with my students.
  • Hahaha. Love this thing. Yeah the guy is far out.

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