Has anyone used uke tuners on their conventional CBG builds. I'm looking at 24.5 inch scale tuned to DAD or GBE/CGC type builds. Would these little tuners hold up? Secondly, do you think they would be OK for dulcimer/dulcitar builds?


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  • Agreed Charlotte, my comment about friction tuners was about the ones in the link in the original post.

    The Gotoh's are very nice, and as long as you compensate for the thickness, would be a fine choice. 

  • Uke tuning machines are not necessarily and not usually friction tuners. Most ukes come with geared tuners and my Luna High Tide tenor came with Gotoh open gear tuners.  The difference really is that uke tuners come 4 to a set and have a shorter post because uke headstocks are thinner than guitar headstocks.  Just thin your headstock down a little, they should work fine and the Gotoh's are nice. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Grover-Professional-STA-TITE-9-Series-Geare...

  • They should work, but two things to keep in mind.

    They are friction tuners, no gear reduction. This makes accurate tuning a little challenging.

    They are designed for a thinner head stock than is common in other instruments so you have to design accordingly.

    Hope that helps!



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