
Rain-Air asked me where Troapel is, in Friesland or in Groningen.
Troapel, or actualy Ter Apel, is in Groningen and lies 6km away from the German border. To show you CBG-piepels where I live I've added a link to Google maps ...... klick here Is it an idea for other folks to do the same so that we have an idea who lives where ??

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  • Hello Dries,
    it's already there & it actually works! (I just added myself to find out):
    Member Map
    it's cool that my into-the-blue guess regarding your location came quite close. I've been lucky to attend the very enjoyable Zomer Jazz Fiets Tour around Groningen a few years back, so maybe I have subconcious sensibility for village names in Friesland.
    kind regards,
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