Hi, I was looking at antique chisels online the other day and I was amazed at the prices some of them command. I went to my tool rack and pulled out all the antique ones and cleaned them up.
I must say it turned out to be an impressive collection. See the photos.

The tradition in the trade where I did my apprenticeship [5 years] in London UK, hmmm there’s a story here -but I’ll stick to the Chisels and Gouges, was that when an older tradesman passed on, his tools were handed down to an apprentice.

On the collection I have here there are the various markings or initials on the handles placed there by respective owners of these fine old tools. Some have two or more different identifying marks of previous owners.

I was surprised to find my marks on some of them after I had cleaned of the years of sweat and glue and surface patina, I must have put them there over Fifty years ago.
There are 34 vintage chisels and gouges, add to that the 26 other assorted not so old types in the rack means I have 60 chisels and gouges.
Needless to say, I have not bought a gouge or chisel for a while.

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