OLD TIMER MODEL -3- by John "Reddog" McNair (aka Beetlejuice). See his whole profile with more photos and videos here.
What's a canjo?
If you're interested in going beyond the cigar box guitar and create instruments out of other junk, check out the Can Jo Consortium on Cigar Box Nation. It's a group of builders who create unique one and two string instruments out of old tin cans.
Hack a Vintage Radio Into a Guitar Amp
John McNair of Reddog Guitars runs a group on Cigar Box Nation that encourages builders to hack into old transistor radios and turn them into guitar amps. It's just another example of creating new and exciting things from old junk.
Check out the Vintage Radio Group on Cigar Box Nation.
Show Us Your Workspace - a place to post pics of your workshops and setups. What are ya buildin' with? Let us know!
The Cigar Box Guitar Manifesto - a post started by Cigar Box Nation owner, Ben "Gitty" Baker and slowly becoming the philosophical discussion of the decade.