the other day i bought a record, it's a good record, and it looks real new, like the previous owner took good care of it, however when i came home and put it on my turntable the needle started jumping the moment i put it on the run in groove, the record is bent on the first ten seconds. after that it plays fine... however for me, this is unaccaptable, hiss and pop i don't care, but i want to be able to play a reccord from start to finish...

now in the record store i used to frequent i allready heard talk of how to fix records by ironing or even putting it in the oven, none of these ever seemed like a good idea, but now, i'm willing to try

so i thought i'd ask here all the worst ideas to do to a record

let's hear them 



p.s. the record store is 900 km from my home, and the record wasn't expensive, so going back is no option

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  • I accidentally left one leaning on my lava lamp once.

    Re-heating and straightening did not fix it.

  • Sometimes a record can be straightened by placing it between 2 sheets of glass and baking it at a low temperature in an oven. Do a search and you'll find methods.
  • I have heard (not tried) that using a hair dryer on high will work. I would think that a pizza stone or some known to be straight and flat surface that will not bend with the heat is needed. Again I have never tried it, I just skip past the warped parts.
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