I have had several bouts of "tennis elbow" over the years due to repetitive use of my fingers and arm while playing guitars. I've tried exercise, total rest, drugs, ice, heat and anything else a snake-oil salesman could sell me, (usta get these little black pills out of China and they worked but the FDA squashed that). The lousy bastard pain came back to my left elbow last Fall and has kept me from playing as much as I would like to ever since. Then the good news, I found something called "eccentric exercise". I comes with the use of a flexible rubber bar and I'll be go to Hell, one week later after following the exercise (just one), and my elbow is almost healed. I got mine (the green one) off Amazon but they're available on the net in several places. I got no horse in this race, just a five star seal of approval if anyone else has the problem!!!!!! That's it, just thought I'd give you a heads up on something that works.


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  • Forgot to mention, I also changed my thumb position.

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