
  • Very nice build..nice head too....make sure it is registered before you take it on the road.

  • 306508564?profile=originalIt works for sure. This one has full length rod piezo and 2 parallel 4(?)mm disc piezos. Onboard pre-amp with 3 way switch.There are many ways to get it your own and have fun on the way. Good luck Calvin.

    • Very cool build. Interesting head. Any chance of some close up pics of the head front and back. Thanks

    • 306508643?profile=original306509745?profile=originalI have to say the headstock pattern isn't original from I. I ripped it off by looking at archives from CBG. I can't remember who I ripped it off of. It is an old-timer on here that doesn't post anymore for whatever reason. The dog biscuit bridge is my idea and goes along with the Bama Hound thing. Maybe somebody on here will remember who was really fabulous for headstock designs. You would think that I would have the courtesy of remembering who I ripped off, but I don't,sorry. (;-D)

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