
  • I have done the kind where the object being painted is spinning, that was ok! But I prefer the method of spilling the paint on the surface and using a straw, blowing on the paint to get the effect you like. I have done it on guitars (not CBG) and canvas. Play around on cardboard, then hit it up! Art is not safe, but its only scary the first time. LOL
  • That blows..I found about 3 sites that tell different ways to do it..videos and all..think i will try it on a all wooden box..maybe cool..may not..
  • i gave it a shot like a splatter caster ,mess big mess wrong paint or something lol
  • like what for instance. Did they turn out good? How easy was it? blah blah blah....etc.thanks for responding. I pree she ate it
  • Not on a CBG, but I have done it on many other projects!
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