Just getting started on my first CBG build. I am sure I will have questions as I progress. Put in a order for a mini humbucker, fret wire, nut, and tuning pegs from CB Gitty. Here are a few pics of my progress.




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  • Almost wrapped up with the build. Wipe on poly was ok choice for a quick finish but will spend more time with a oil finish next time. I have a few small items to complete but Swamp Fox #001 is alive.  Now I have to learn GDGB so I can provide some sample music..  sounds really cool though. Here are few shots of the almost finished project..




  • Thanks for the feedback.. I think I am going to give oil a try on my next build.  I had this rub on poly in my garage so I figured I would give it a shot.  two coats so far and it looks ok..


    Anyone ever tried this stuff?

    Should have the build wrapped up this week time permitting.

  • Thanks for the complements!   

    What is the best product for finishing out the neck - varnishpolyurethanelacquer or shellac?  

    • I usually go with boiled linseed oil followed by multiple coats of spray shellac. Simple and gives great results, like the other folks have said.

    • My preferred method just now is linseed too. 

      I've been looking over what people use for rifle butts and I'm curious about tung oil.

      Might try that soon. They usually have great looking guns.

      Nice butts, great guns, shiney wood.. I better stop before the sexual puns take over this thread.

    • Tough question. In many respects, it doesn't matter. All of the modern finishes are good products that work well.

      That being said, I think shellac is seriously underrated and generally ignored. I use it regularly and just love the stuff. Here are some things I like about shellac:

      1. It cures in minutes (I mean minutes). You can apply additional coats within about 5~10 minutes.

      2. No Runs! The best way to apply shellac is with a "rubbing pad". That is a cotton ball wrapped in a piece of cotton cloth. An old tee shirt and rubber bands handle this. You then dampen the rubber with alcohol then put some shellac on it. Rub it into the wood until it is smoothed out, then apply some more. If the rubber begins to stick, just rub a tiny amount of olive oil on it and you're back in business.

      3. You can keep rubbing shellac into the wood until you are satisfied with the finish. You can achieve a velvety smooth finish in a very short time.

      4. If you need to take a break, just wrap the rubber in a baggie to keep air out and you can reuse it.

      Because of the ease of application and the quality of finish, I'm quickly drifting away from other finishes.

      You can get the original "orange" shellac or "clear" at the local HD, so it's not hard to come by. A quart will last you about 100 years if used only for guitars.

      There are plenty of good How-to web sites for shellac and French polish. Picking up the needed skills take very little time.

      Give it a try.

    • I'm currently on a "spray can shellac" bender, love the stuff, minimal "setting up to do this" time,  goes on lickety quick, next coat ready in 10-15 min, or ready to polish with steel wool in an hour or two,

    • Haven't tried the spray stuff JL,but i'm a fan of shellac also,you can choose your level of finish,from good to beyond excellent,and mistakes are easily recovered,choose your desired degree of finish,just give it a polish now and then

    • I don't think I've finished a neck in the same manner twice, so I can't really say. I'm trying to answer that same question on my latest build..

  • Thanks Wayfinder!! Staining the fret board worked perfectly.  I finished up the humbucker plate and test fitted all my pickup components. Getting closer, here are a few pics of the pickup install.



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