Spent the day at the St Louis Renaissance Fair. Had a BLAST! Met a lot of great people. Seen some great shows. And again my main draw is music. There was one performer who, for me stood out. Apryl Knight. She was sitting in her own tent. Would play for anyone who walked by. She was playing a Hungarian hurdy gurdy when I first saw her. Then she played a bowed psaltery with two bows. Totally awesome! Never seen anyone play a psaltry with two bows. It was magic. I came away with two CDs. Listening to them now.


The setup is like a huge maze. Easy to get turned around or lost. With large areas set up as encampments. People dressed in period clothing doing crafts and telling stories. Each encampment a different country or fantasy. It was huge. To give an example of just how big this fair is it took me over five minutes to walk to my car. There were people parked over a half mile away. Glad I got their early. : )

Great music. Great food. Great shows. It's going on every weekend from today till October 16th. 

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  • Totally cool idea Pick! They have a complete blacksmithing shop set up in the Irish camp. Watched them bang out a few things. 


  • hit the blacksmith shop  up   for  some custom cbg  parts  ;-)


  • Looks like I'll have to go back this weekend. Already know I'll be at work Sat. So hoping for good weather Sunday. All the video I took turned out really pixellated. Not sure why. I'll set my camera up to the next lever and see what I end up with. 

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