Just finishing my second 3 string build and thinking about the next one, I fancy using a soap bar pickup next time, I have found some resonably priced ones which come as a pair 50mm and 52mm for bridge and neck position, I only want to use one therefor I think I can buld 2 CB guitars using the set, (1 per guitar) is this practical?

Also I would need to buy a volume pot is a 500 K pot going to work?

Any advise greatfully recieved


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  • what the difference with these soap bar pick ups compared to others?

    and fitted to the neck?? pictures please.

    are the s/bars p/up fitted on top of the body or neck . I know it may sound a silly question but I'm still learning even at 64 nearly

  • What Ron said...
    I prefer a .047uf capacitor for a tone cap on a 500k pot. Some like linear, but i find the audio taper pots work to my liking.

    I really like the sound of the cheap epiphone type pickup I bought on eBay...

    Keep in mind that the bridge position pickup is hotter... (Has more output power) than the neck pickup. You can put it in the neck position, but it will sound a little different... ( so I am told)
    • Thanks for the advice guys I have decided to try the soap bar for my next build got some cool black cigar boxes on the way, so ordering a pair of black soap bar pickups off ebay.

      Just got to work out how to connect them now, pickups come with a fly lead now I need to find out where to connect to on the pot and where to connect the jack to, I am sure its not difficult but any pointers to a diagram on here appreciated

  • Yes. And yes.
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