Wondering the advantages and disadvantages.. I recently purchased a pre amp.. Same mode Gitty sells on his website. 7475R I think is the model. I have a CBG and two CBUkes and was thinking of installing into one or two of them. (if I purchase another one) I'm also about to start a 6 stringer and might think of putting it on that one too. Does anyone have any opinions or experience with this model or having pre amps? LOCO


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  • Along those same line, does anyone have experience using a DI box between a CBG and amp/board?

    • a DI box will change the impedence and condition your signal for a desk but there is little in the way of EQ so its in the hands of your sound man,  ive always found that a small amp mic'd up (even just a few watts) give you a much bigger tone and more control

  • I have one of those from Gitty but have not used it. I plan on doing what someone posted in here about mounting it in a small box instead of building it into one guitar, so then I can plug any guitar into it. An EQ box between guitar and amp.

  • id be tempted with a buffer  rather than a pre amp .. most of the issues with piezos sounding thin are due to impedence miss matches.

    like this one from the EPIC POODLE PARTS.

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