Hi All,
New here and although I've made a couple of CB Ukes but I am yet to do a CBG and plan to next build a CBG so I have some basic questions and where better than this wonderful resource to ask!
I have an old electric guitar neck and Im wondering if it might be a good start for my first effort. I can splice an extension to it to run through the box .
Im wondering what the pros and cons are of doing this?
I have had a search but havent found any examples.
What do you think?
https://www.cbgitty.com/cubecart/guitar-necks.html Gitty now carries pre made necks and fretted fingerboards...just glue one right on a pre-cut 1x2
Hi Mitchell,
Quicker than making your own
As factory made it will have a better fret job than you can do yourself unless you spend out on files/slotting saw etc
It will have an adjustable truss rod
The above two points = good string action for finger picking
Less self-build satisfaction
The scale is already fixed.
The width is fixed (Garage Hermit is the only person I have seen who has shaved one down to a 3 stringer size with an angle grinder http://www.cigarboxnation.com/photo/viotar-3/prev?context=user).
I tend to use recycled necks - check out my page for photos. I have made an 8 string (dD gG BB ee) a couple of resonators but mainly 6 strings. I tried fretting once and lost my will to live around the 10th fret and prefer to work on the electronics side.
There is a 6 string group with photos of recycled necks http://www.cigarboxnation.com/group/6stringcigarboxguitars.
This is one discussion about using recycled necks from a while ago http://www.cigarboxnation.com/group/6stringcigarboxguitars/forum/to...
Here is an example of stick through the box for adding a 6string neck to off ebay (I haven't used it myself so I am not sure how well they work. The link is for info not as an endorsement for the item :0) )http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LOADED-CIGAR-BOX-6-STRING-REAL-ELECTRIC-G...
I made one using the neck from one those craptacular FirstAct kid guitars with the built in amp. Being that it was a short scale neck already it worked out fine with the box I had. There's a photo in my gallery.
If yours is a full size neck you'll need to pay particular attention in designing the extension so the scale remains the same or it won't intonate properly.