Built a beautiful mini dog bowl resonator 3 string finished the nut and fretboard and decided I wanted to try a cutout headstock. Terrible idea. The piece was not long enough to get all three tuners set on one side and the angle on the other side makes it impossible to place a tuner. shaped like a figure 4 if you can imagine.
So I have this fully glued up and no way to string it. I would like to just chop the top off and put something else up there but I can't work out how I would attach it.
So I have come to the mountain to ask the masters.
or ..... go headless .
you can even do a wrap around and put the tuners in the box . or back end etc ...
Hi, I have not had to do this on a CBG but dozens of times on full guitars. I have attached a couple of photos that should help with a lightbulb moment for you. All the methods I have used are based around what you see here but tailored to suit the style and quality of the guitar in question.
I think the method for your job would be the first one. After doing the joint I would put "ears" on the sides of the head making it wider and stronger. As in the uke head also shown, a veneer on the front of the p/h would hide your work. I would prefer this to trying to cut a scarf joint in an already finished guitar.
Maybe a picture would help spur some other ideas.
Thanks, guys. Wasnt really thinking in that direction but it does make sense.
I agree with Wade, Cause (and the other Wade :) ). Otherwise you could fill the holes and glue additional bits and pieces to build it up and attempt a do over but it would be a lot of work
Hi, I"m cause, that's Wade and my other brother Wade.
: )
Agreed. I think a scarf joint would give you the largest gluing area.