I present my full size 4 String Biscuit Tin Bass guitar. its beautiful, I love making the Biscuit Tin basses. I don't know if you guys have tried doing full size basses as Cigar Boxes and Canjos, but I can'r help but find that the hardest part is finding the right size box or tin for the body, either way it has to be big.

I think the neck is from an Encore Bass, but without any branding I can't be sure, its smooth and straight and weighs a ton. the bridge is a Wilkinson with Brass Saddles and on the inside I have a pair of Piezo Disc pickups, directly underneath the bridge, so when its plugged in it will better pickup the reverberations running through the bridge and the internal framework. Acoustically, it is very resonant, the E and A strings rumble like thunder and the D and G are spanky and just a little twang in there.

What you guys think?


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  • Hi JP, nice clean looking build mate. You just reminded me I promised a mate I'd build him a bass, so I had better get some bits on the bench.

    • Thank you Taff. do tell me though, what bass are build, solid body? CBG? have to see it when you're done.

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