yep, nothing's free forever, lets see if it happeds, or if they change there mind, I guess in a way it will make the content and videos better? could be a good thing? or really lousy if you decide to opt for free service and have to sit thru more adds and bad serch results becuse the people who pay will get better listing in the search browser!


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  • not to  mention     the states   wanting to  tax all  online sales  now  ..  the  bill   has   passed the  first  step already    ;-/

  • So it looks like they are just trying to broaden their focus to include content that can compete with Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, etc. All the cat freaking out, stupid teens behaving stupidly, and creepy cigar smoking bearded guy in hat playing a stick in a box videos are still free...

  • This is a content deal and everyone should welcome it as it helps push a la cart programming forward.  All this is about is being able to view content that you would not always be able to view.  For instance one of the first subscription channels is Sesame St.  It is protected TV content but will be available as a subscription channel for a fee.  Doesn't mean all of Youtube is going to be paid only.  What it does mean is that maybe in the future there might be other more interesting content like HBO or Comedy channel that can be subscribed to for a small fee.  I'm on board as I have cut the cord but can only get so much content.  So there are some shows I miss and have to wait for them to show up on Netflix as DVD or if I am really lucky, streaming.  Only so much available legally online.  The more stuff like this opens up, the more pressure is placed on content makers to end there near monopoly deals with cable co.  Just my 2 cents.  

    This doesn't mean that you have to pay to use Youtube.  Just means that what you can view is expanding into the pay to view arena.

  •  Then they can give themselves a spiffy new name! I dunno, something like...  Vimeo?

  • If google go down that line and start charging for youtube then someone else (maybe Yahoo) will come in and make their own version.....and take all the advertising from Youtube.

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