
  • thank you men!!
  • I made several tutorial vids... mostly about 3 stringers, but I made a six stringer that has held up.. check them out on my vids..
  • thank you, and sorry for bothering so much hehhehe, but if you have any link that you can give me, it would be awesome guys!, thanks
  • There is a link on the homepage to some CBG plans. They have some pretty simple instructions on how to install a piezo pickup.
  • A piezo transducer from radio shack and an input jack. Soder them together and there you go. there are plenty of "instructions" on the internet that tell you how to do this.
  • so, how you make it, electro acoustic? what do you need?, like to plug it to an amp and everything
  • As far as I know, there aren't any tutorials on how to make 6 strings. I just finished my first 6 string cbg but I used a bolt on neck. And even then, I'm not so sure on the durability of it. I've been dicking around with 3 strings on it for now. Actually a lot easier to get into/adapt to than I thought.
  • yes bro, but i cant find a tutorial, i have the hole morning trying to find one tutorial that can teach me how to build a six string cigar box guitar...
  • Have you done any research at all?
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