
  • Problem solved with battery powered amp,Fender mini mustang and 9 volt battery powering my ditto looper.

    • Can you try one or the other on mains?  Should help narrow it down.

  • Could it also be an impedance mismatch? Most of these pedals are built for a magnetic pickup...
  • Then I have no clue and that is a familiar possession of mine
  • Thanks I'll try that stuff and also all battery power.

  • I have also found that using ground lifters on any three prong plugs will cure it sometimes.  I have often found that introducing recording devices into a PA or instrument loop can cause 60 cycle hum-ground loop- hum from hell.  Not smart enough to know why but I have experienced it. sometimes the ground lifter works, sometimes plugging the power for the pedal into a separate circuit, or use a hum eliminator (some think it robs tone, again not smart enough)  Power conditioner?  IDK but I feel your pain.

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