
  • Thanks for all the great information and advice "everyone"(Taff) what I'm looking at is some kids grinder that I'm waiting on a major major price reduction before I buy it. Its really beat up, at present its $40. When it's reduced to $10-15 my name is on it with my number. Don't know brand it's just totally parts(cheap fender look a like, guitar hero POS). 

  • Indeed , even if it is a 6 pole  single pickup , the mag field radiates outward , so  it will still pick up  strings between poles  or not perfectly aligned  over the poles .

    Some folks  slant the pickup to make  it line up better , or look  a bit better , this also helps  accent  bass tone and bright tones . depending  which way it is slanted .

    • To get more bass do you angle the bass half toward the  bridge?

    •  Either end tilted  towards the  neck will give   you a warmer tone on that end . 

      Toward the bridge will give you a brighter tone on that end . So if you want more bass  on the bass end .. tilt that end toward the bridge . 

      They also work just fine  straight  ..  and the same  applies to the entire pickup and it's mounting position .  Mounted towards the  neck will give   you a overall  warmer tone. Mounted toward the bridge will give you a brighter overall tone.

      hope that helps.

    • Thanks Picker, is there a difference in the multiple pickups other then position on the guitar? Are they wound different, more winds, bigger gauge wire? I have a chance to buy an old beatup elec ax cheap for parts.

    • Yup Will.  Some  actually have different output ratings . (sometime written on the back of the pickup . ) some  you can't really tell  but are  still marked  (neck , mid, bridge,)  etc . some are all the same pickup . Depends on the guit .

      If it's an old teisco  / mij guitar and unmarked . it's probably all the same  pup. 

      If you are  pondering  for example ,  ripping out  2 or 3 pickups  and using them  as single pickups on 2 or 3 guitars .  and wondering if you have to put  them in the original position  etc .. no .   you can put any in  whatever position you  want .  any difference due to output ratings will not be that noticeable .

    • Hi Will, good quality pickups can be wound to better suit their position under the strings, but I think you'll find most are not and it would not be that noticeable on a CBG.

      normally the pickup near the bridge has brighter tones and as you go towards the neck the responce gets mellower, even with the same pickup. Like picking an acoustic guitar close to the bridge compared to picking over the soundhole area, for example. 


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