
  • Hi again, I have had guitars in for repair that have had the pole pieces coming up through the fingerboard at the last fret area—just another example.


  • Hi, all my six string cbgs use old reworked six string necks and have never gone through the box. I like to keep the inside as open as free of "stuff" as possible. But I do use a more substantial neck block and heal.


    • I would think most 6 string CBGs do have neck thru design.  Mine sure does.

  • I thought about that afterwards, but that's generally what happens when there's nothing more than a vague question without a pic to give an idea?

  • Yes, in the past, I saw one that just had holes for the extra long pole pieces to come through the top.  Thought I saved the pic, but I could not find it.  I liked the look.  Would work on a deeper box for extra neck reinforement, since the pickup being completely under the top requires a deeper notch in the neck.

    I consider a ghost pickup to be not seen at all, including the pole pieces.

  • That's called ghosting a pickup or a ghost pickup? 

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