
  • Dusty tho? 

    • In a factory, yep, but with the right tools, not bad. I have a little bench top shear, so sanding is minimum.

  • Thin plywood and now trying masonite. A bit thicker than normal pick guards at between 1/8 to 3/16. But easy to come by. 

    • If there is a circuit board mfg shop near, ask them if you can have a few pieces of scrap laminate Boards are usually .062 fiberglass. Easy to cut and shape.

  • 3671709145?profile=RESIZE_710x

    • Wasn’t gitty selling those vinyl pickguards at one time? I remember Shane did a video about one many moons ago, still kool tho!

    • Tried , tested, and true  ;-)

  • Not Formica, but I have used hardware store Galvanized sheet for covers? You can also get thin copper & brass sheet from craft stores?, another option? 

    • I just found some small pieces of very thin brass that I'm gonna use to ground the bridges on my stuff...

    • Keep in mind that metal pickguards have an effect on how your pickup will sound.

      Steel can either help or harm, brass can block treble, copper is usually good and aluminum can block 60 cycle hum in single coils if it's thick enough.

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