Ok folks, here is a sound clip of my "One Puff" one watt all tube cigar box combo amp.  See pics in the picture section.  Recorded with a large condensor mic with NO processing.  The clip starts with some clean sounds then to overdriven tones both straight into amp.  Last part of clip is through an effects pedal.  The amp is super quiet and the little 4 inch speaker does quite well for what it is.  Would make a fine little recording amp.  I took it to our local blues jam last night and blew harp through it, miked up of course, and it sounded fantastic.  Enjoy !


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  • You might as well drop the 12AX7 cathode resistor in half and parallel up the other triode with the first. You would get a bit more complex sound ane a bit more gain.

    • Yes, but you would put the second half in series.   That would provide much more gain and overdrive.  Plenty of mods possible here.  Just take a look at any of the classic Fender tube amp designs for ideas.

    • Listening to the amp I do not think it needs much more gain. Mind you, that is my own personal taste.

  • Great sound!
  • That's a great sound, I am new at this - when you say effects pedal which pedal are you using exactly



  • That produces a really nice sound. Tube amps do sound good.

  • Here is schematic in JPG format.  Enjoy !


    • bly,,

       thanks very much, i've never built an amp before, but i want a valve amp, and this seem's the simple  way to get into building them, just gathering information and reading up on valve amp wiring at the moment, just trying to get my head round it all,  

    • This is a very simple and basic amp.  The hard part is fitting it inside of a small cigar box.  First time builders would be wise to build it into a large box.  This will not only provide easier construction but will provide better performance when it comes to hum and noise.  Parts layout is much more critical in cramped spaces to prevent hum and noise.  For safety reasons, care must be taken when working with high voltages.  Although this amp doesn't have real high voltages, as compared to other higher powered amps,  they can still be lethal. 

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