Hello! My name is Kevin M. Kraft, founder of the annual Kansas City Cigar Box Guitar Festival. This year's event will take place on August 26th, and once again I am accepting cigar box guitars and cigar box guitar-related donation, which will be raffled off during the festival, the proceeds to benefit Kansas City's Blues in the Schools program. If you have a guitar, accessory, CDs, DVDs, books--anything related to cigar box guitars that you would like to donate, please contact me at the Cigar Box Nation or email me at kevinmkraft@juno.com to learn where to send it.

Blues in the Schools is a popular program in which performing artists visit locals schools to teach the youth about the blues, it's origins, history and influence in even today's popular music. The response of the kids is consistently overwhelming, so we'd like to do it even more in the year to come.

Thanks for you time and consideration. - Kevin http://www.cigarboxnation.com/events/the-2nd-annual-kansas-city-cigar-box-guitar-festival

2012 fest poster promo 1.jpg

by DAvid Sutton 2.jpg

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  • It seems tough some times going through the process. Actually we have a few on the nation here that are now and donations are starting to make it to the fest from overseas. It is understandable that most people are not in the position to donate and others gain nothing from it and I understand that completely. The owner of roadhouse is so generous in offering posters and T-shirts to raise additional $ for prize giveaways. Gary and I are keeping nothing and will not be in any of the raffles or contest. So really the donations are for everybody else to benefit in order to make this as awesome an event as possible. Of coarse I'll be Vending my guitars as well as Gary. It feels like we're a couple kids trying to get all the other kids to come to the play ground to play. It's all good, you get out of life what you put into it. I'm use to road bumps through other experiences but this should prove to be an new episode indeed. I meet Gary on the nation, he's been a great guy to work with. I think it's going to be a great time for all!

  • Can't believe nobody even responded to this here. We're trying to drum up the same support for St. Louis 1st annual.

    We got a few donation outside of the nation, but as it stands Gary and I are the only ones with our finger in the pie presently. We got T-shirts and posters coming in about two weeks. Miller is donating 20 canvas enclosures for venders about 10x10's FCFS $25. with electrical hookup and $15 for reg. We got three contest categories 1st 2nd and 3rd. Raffle and guitar build on site. Hope you can come and enjoy! I'm interested in your Blues in the schools program!

    • Sorry, I JUST got this message, Smilingdog1. Not sure how I missed it. Yeah, I'm surprised too at the lack of response. Last year I got some donations from the UK, but few donations through the Nations besides that. Now, several donations came in the day OF the festival, but I don't think it was a direct response to my post here.

      The Blues in the Schools program is officially through Kansas City Blues Society. But I do my own personal version now that I'm not on the society's board of directors anymore.

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