Found a great old wooden box used to sell shoes in stores and spent the last couple of days reconstructing it as a CBG case.  I'll upload photo tonight.  It is about 16 x 40 x 6, of 1/4" x 6" rough-sawn boards.

I put an old wrought iron handle and an old leather strap with buckle to keep it closed.  Now I am looking to personalize it and have the following ideas, but nothing has really struck me.  Any ideas (with photos!)?

 - I thought of screwing down a beater mando neck and cigar box lid;

 - An image of the same cigar box lid from the instrument, mounted on a piece of wood, then spray poly.  The image looks too shiny on the rough box:

 - An old mando top screwed down (can't find one);

 - Some wrought iron ornament (music note? instrument? plant hanger?)

 - Other ideas?

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  • Or cut this out in a circle, spray adhesive it to a circular-shaped copper disk... Screw or nail it on the lid?

  • Here's the latest crackpot scheme. Take the neck (including headstock) of an old mandolin, trim the back so it sits as flat as possible, mount it to the lid, then screw the lid of a cigar box below it.
  • I would draw it with a pencil and burn over the lines. Would definitely practice on scrap first.

    Barry Lampke said:
    I do have a small wood burning tool but that's art! Any tricks to doing it?

    Mike Bingham said:
    How about using a wood burning iron to burn a picture of your instrument into the top?
  • I have this Rocky Ford image on photo paper that I was going to mount on a piece of luann. Worried it may be too shiny. Maybe put it on card stock...

    wes carl said:
    id router out places for the pis abut 1/16 deep and using fabulon that is the sealer they use on bolling alley lanes tough as hell but if used the right way gives a great finish good luck
  • I do have a small wood burning tool but that's art! Any tricks to doing it?

    Mike Bingham said:
    How about using a wood burning iron to burn a picture of your instrument into the top?
  • How about using a wood burning iron to burn a picture of your instrument into the top?
  • You know what might be real nice. Using a router, cut away a little wood so pictures can be placed inside flush with the top. Squares, rectangles, circles, stars etc. Then using polyurethane, spray to seal the whole top. It will be a lot more classy then just gluing them to the top. Enjoy.
  • Take a look at my photos...




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