Zeppelin Design Labs has just released its popular Percolator 2W cigar box guitar tube amp in a combo with a Jensen C8R speaker. We sell it as either a DIY Kit or Ready-to-Play. Great for home use, coffeehouse gigs, recording, or even busking where a power outlet is available. Check out our forum here on CBN for more.

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  • Here's a customer review of the Percolator Combo (almost embarrassing):

    “Where do I invest! I have been playing guitar for 30 + years. Like a lot of people, I own a boatload of guitars and a fair # of amps. I sat and played this amp [Percolator Combo] for over an hour before I forced myself to stop.

    “The clean tone has an excellent slightly dirty/clean chime to it. The dirty is fantastic. Everything in between is awesome.

    “I believe that Zeppelin is the best kept small amp [secret] ever. The majority of my amps are 10 watts or less. From Vox, Blackstar, Fender, Swart,.. on.. and on… I have been searching for an amp just like this. The amp provides a great sound at a low volume. Perfect!!

    “You are onto something here. I really like what you are putting out…. Keep going Zepp. You have a new very satisfied customer.”

    — Tom Lefaivre , Roscoe Illinois

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