Wow! So many of you are posting follow-up pics from the holidays, including all the instruments you gave as gifts. If you haven't logged into Cigar Box Nation lately, check it out today. There's so much happening!
The New Orleans Cigar Box Guitar Festival is just one week away. We're working on the final details, including the CBG build-off competition that will happen on Friday. If you haven't purchased tickets yet, go to To keep up-to-date on the lineup, contests and more, check out their Facebook page.
Here's your weekly dose of homemade boogie awesomeness...all wrapped up into one little newsletter.
-Ben & Shane
Uncle John gets the nod for Featured Instrument with this great looking 4-string Pot Lid Resonator Guitar! The instrument features an antique ceramic coated pot lid, Electric Delta pickup and a big ol' box for a body. He filmed a demo won't believe how great this thing sounds. Check it out here.
VIDEO: Johnny Depp Plays Slide Dobro & Cigar Box Guitar for a Details Magazine Photo Shoot. See it here...
A few years back, Cigar Box Nation created a Motorhead Tribute Album. In the wake of Lemmy's passing, we share it again with you here...completely streaming! Listen to it here...and play it LOUD!